Big congratulations to long-time Cushit user, Edwin Evers, for winning the 2016 Bassmaster Classic! We’re extremely happy for you and proud to have you using our products!
Cushit Makes Fighting Fish Pain Free!
Whether it’s barracuda fishing, poppin’ bass, deep jigging, surf fishing, bluewater trolling, kayak fishing or anything in between, a Cushit is going to make your fishing experience easier!
- Have you ever felt the uncomfortable pressure of a rod butt digging into you when fighting a fish from the beach, rocks or on a boat?
- Have you been frustrated that your gimble belt or fighting harness is uncomfortable, that your rod slips out all the time, or that it just doesn’t seem to work?
- Have you ever dropped a rod overboard, or had someone else do this for you?
- Do you fish from a kayak and can’t use a gimble belt to fight large fish?
- Have you ever watched on as family, friends, or your kids struggle and grimace while fighting a fish with the rod butt jammed between their legs?
- Have you ever had bruises under your arm and on your sides from a rod butt while deep jigging or popper fishing?
If you have answered yes to any of the above, then a Cush-it is going to revolutionise the way you fish.
So what does a Cush-it do?
- Makes fighting fish of any size on any tackle a comfortable experience
- Easily attaches to ALL rods in seconds, and you can fish with it on the rod, or attach it quickly while playing a fish.
- Floats most rod/reel combos if you drop them overboard
- Makes fishing for kids much more comfortable. It’s easier for the kids to fight the fish, and easier for you to relax if they drop the rod overboard!
- It is super tough and strong, and won’t tear or breakdown in the sun. A Cush-it will probably outlast your rods and reels.
The Cush-its have been thoroughly field tested in one of Australia’s toughest fishing environments over a 6 month period, and have proven ideal for a variety of fishing scenarios. Damon Olsen tells us “When I first saw the Cushit I knew straight away it would revolutionise the way people fish. No more clumsy gimble belts, slack line on hook-ups or rods slipping out of gimble belts while fishing. We use the Cushit instead of gimble belts on all our boats now for casting and trolling up to 50lb tackle. These things are so good that we’ve literally thrown the gimble belts away. You can leave the medium size Cushit on the rod while casting, and the large Cushit attaches in seconds to a troll rod when taken out of the rod holder. Using Cushits is one of the best changes we’ve ever made.”
The Luna Sea Cushit is an ultra-light, ultra-durable, ultra-versatile fish fighting aid that totally eliminates all pain caused by the butt of the rod.
The Cushit acts as a gimbal when sitting down giving the angler greater leverage against larger fish. It also grips on any rod handle making it easy to pass the rod form one angler to another.
The ultra-tough Cushit protects the angler as well as the boat.
What a great way to keep your boat free from dings and your anglers free from bruises!!!
No More Bruising, No More Pain!
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Shaw Grigsby Uses the Cushit
“This is one of the coolest little things I’ve ever seen! It protects the body, makes my rod more sensitive and saves my rods if they fall overboard!”
— Shaw Grigsby, Elite Series Pro
Bassmaster Classic Champ Uses the Cush-it
“Not only does the Cushit soften those rib jarring hook sets, but it perfectly balances my rods, adding sensitivity, and it floats them too!”
— Edwin Evers, 2016 Bassmaster Classic Champion
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