Light fishing setups can be a good thing in many cases, but there are also several reasons not to use them. What are the disadvantages of using a light fishing pole? This article will explain why it’s not always best to use a lightweight fishing rod, reel, & line setup.
Light Fishing Poles Extend Fight Time
The most exciting part of fishing is when you actually have the fish hooked on your line and haven’t landed it yet! This is called “the fight”, and it’s super exhilarating! Most of the time you don’t know exactly what’s on the end of your line so the mystery of what you’ve got just adds to the excitement. Now, there will come a point when a long fight with a fish is not good for either you or the fish. The longer you fight a fish, the lower its chances of surviving after release, so keep this in mind if you want to (or are required by law to) release the fish. Light fishing poles extend the fight time. They provide less resistance so it takes longer to tire the fish.
Fishing Rod Sizes are Based on Targeted Species
There are limits to the size of fish you can catch for a given size of fishing pole and reel. Generally, the larger the rod, the stiffer/stronger it is, so the larger fish you can catch. If you try to fish with too light of a fishing rig for your targeted species, the rod may break. If it doesn’t break, it can also extend the length of the fight. Too light of a setup can also mean too light of fishing line. If your line isn’t strong enough for the fish you’re fighting, it can break.

Matching the Weight of Your Lure to Your Fishing Rod is Important
It’s important to match the weight of the bait or lure you’re using with an appropriate rod. Imagine trying to cast a large musky buzz bait with a small, ultralight bluegill rod. At best, it won’t cast far. At worst, the line or rod can break. If you do manage to cast the lure, controlling the lure in the water with rod twitches or jigging can become difficult at best.
A Fishing Pole That’s Too Light Decreases Your Odds of Landing the Fish
Overall, when you use a fishing pole that is too light for your targeted species, it decreases your odds of landing the fish. Although it can be fun to tell stories of the one that got away, our ultimate goal when fighting a fish should be to safely land it. Properly weighted fishing gear for your targeted species will help you land more fish, make your fishing more effective, and increase survival rates for the fish. I hope you enjoyed this article about the disadvantages of using a light fishing pole.